Tennessee students visit Citizens Advice Service
18th October 2023
From the Great Smoky Mountains to the Galloway Glens. Last week Dumfries welcomed a group of agricultural education students and professors from Tennessee Tech University, close to Nashville, to take part in a community service project.
During their short stay, some of the group made a stop at Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service (D&G CAS), where CEO Phil Stewart outlined how the service is available to help all residents of the region with a wide range of issues, including benefits, debt and money, employment, health, housing, family matters, and many more.
Professor Dennis Duncan commented, “I was impressed by their true passion to serve those in need in any capacity possible while keeping specific details private and confidential. Another important factor is that there is no fee for the service”. Third-year student, Jessica Delong, added, “It doesn’t matter where you come from, when you walk through the doors, help is there for you”.
Phil Stewart, CEO of Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service said, “It was great to meet Dennis, his colleague Victoria Ayres and some of the students to give them an overview of all the great work we undertake across the region. It was interesting to hear from them how our work correlated to similar work in their home cities and to hear about their studies and career ambitions”.
If you would like to know more about the services that D&G CAS provides or are interested in volunteering then please contact us by telephone (0300 303 4321) or email (info@dagcas.org). Self-help information is also available via the website: https://www.dagcas.org/get-advice/
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