Scams & Gambling

This is an area that is unfortunately becoming more sophisticated and targets us all. Digital and text Scams are around every day and can devastate individuals or families if they are not spotted. Below is some information regarding Scams and what you can do to report and identify potential Scams and what you can do if you think you have been scammed.
Below is also a link for help with Gambling problems.
This page gives you advice on protecting yourself from tricks and scams the Home Office is aware of.
If you receive an unexpected email, telephone call or letter from someone who claims to be from the Home Office, it may be a scam. We will never contact you to ask for money or your personal details.
Check if it might be a Scam.
Scams can be difficult to recognise, but there are things you can look out for.
Common Scams
A scam is a type of fraud where someone steals your money or information. The most common scams are online, but you can be targeted by post or with a text message or a phone call.
Get help with gambling
If you’re worried about your gambling, there are things you can do to get support.