
Your energy supply – Citizens Advice
If you are struggling with your supplier and feel like you need advice or assistance contact Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service on 0300 303 4321
How to Read your Smart Meter
Are you using your smart meter correctly? For information on how to use your smart meter effectively click the link bellow
How efficient is your home
Home Energy Scotland can help with that. We’ll let you know what funding is available to you – you might be able to spread the cost with an interest-free loan, or get a grant to cover much needed home improvements.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which is produced when fossil fuels burn inefficiently. The most common sources are faulty boilers, gas fires and cookers. Click below to find out more.
Using Storage Heaters
Struggling to use your storage heaters effectively?
Click the link bellow to have a look at how to set your storage heaters efficiently
Energy Advice
Energy Tariffs: Our adviser talks you through your options.