Benefits Advice

Online Guides & Resources
Citizens Advice provide a wide resource of advice, information and guidance relating to benefits at the following link:
Benefits Resources – Citizens Advice Scotland
Money map | Citizens Advice Scotland
Benefits Calculator – entitledto – independent | accurate | reliable
Make sure your getting all the help and benefits that you’re entitled to. We can help everybody identify any social security benefits you may be entitled to claim. We provide assistance to apply for these & help you identify and apply for any additional funding you may be get.
We can help with benefit appeals and represent clients at First and Upper Tribunals. Our Support4 Life team can help those affected by a long term condition/illness/disability and terminal illnesses.
At present we also have projects running that will help provide support, advice and assistance for those that are needing financial health checks and for making their first universal credit claim. In some circumstances we can arrange a home visit such as when you are unable to attend at bureau or outreach facility.
Universal Credit
Universal Credit is in the process of replacing six different benefits. UC has resumed migration and plans to do this by 2024. The six benefits are Income Support, Income related ESA, Income related JSA, Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits and Housing Benefit. You cannot usually make a new claim for the old benefits.
Scottish Child Payment
Universal Credit
Since November the payment has increased to £25 and is now available for all under 16. See below for a list all SSS benefits
Disability Payment
In Scotland, adult disability and child disability payments are provided by the government to individuals with disabilities. The Adult Disability Payment is to assist adults with disabilities meet their daily living and mobility needs. Child Disability Payment aims to provide support for children with disabilities and their families to help with care costs.